Photo Cube Link

Photo Cube Link
Photo Cube Version 3.2 now available!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Weather Widget getting close to finishing..

Finally finished all the weather conditions for both Portrait and Landscape mode, in all three themes; Countryside, Skyscape and Black Glass.

The main screen with the forecast is now done, with lots of beautiful animations:

The final step is a screen to pick your location for the weather, then lots of testing and debugging. I am hoping another month or so.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More Weather..

More work on the weather widget. Updated the Widget layout so that it will better tie into the main screen:

Removed the Wind and Humidity from the widget to make it less cluttered and more clear. Moved the Condition to below the temperatures, and moved the Date down to above the Location.

Removed a lot of distracting options from the settings screen.

Finally started work on the main screen which appears when you tap on the widget, showing a large version of the condition and nicely animated 5 day forecast. Going to change this soon to match the Widget layout more, and to add the wind and humidity to this screen which has more real estate.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Work progressing well on the Weather Widget with its secret sauce..

Now added wind speed and humidity metrics, with adjustable appearance based on how windy it is.

Had a few issues recently with the widget freezing and failing to update the clock, trying to get to the bottom of that now.

Also started new Skyscape style, for those who dont want to see the countryside but just concentrate on the weather itself.

More bounce to the ounce..

So, finally fixed the issue with motion detection on Galaxy Note 2 phones.

The shake to refresh and bouncing cube didnt work at all.

Turns out it is abug in Samsungs Firmware, the shake events were all being tagged as unreliable, so were being discarded.

I fixed it to ignore the unreliable tag, so they are now being let through and the Note 2 has its bounce back!

Version 3.2 on the Google Play store now..

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weather Redux..

So finally happy to report I found a free weather provider,, so I have at last got the new in-development Weather Widget working and starting to iron out the bugs and make all the settings user definable. .

Here is a nice detailed shot. Note that New York is showing temperatures in Fahrenheit, Bangkok in Celsius. There are different clock types, and the time and date can be switched on and off.

Other features... on the night scene, note the drifting clouds, the correct phase of the moon, the shooting stars, the spinning windmill, and the flying birds. The bush to the right slowly waves back and forth.

On the Cloud day scene, we again have nice moving cloud layers, flying birds, a spinning windmill, bush gently waving in the breeze, and a plane towing a user defined message through the clouds.

A lot more to do to pretty up the user interface for the settings and make it foolproof, particularly the selection of weather location. Then I need to work out the correct sunrise and sunset time so that scene style can be automatically shown, and then also work out the local time zone for that location.

It just shows the current weather only, so perhaps that is enough for the first release, or maybe will need to add a forecast screen also.

Anyway, good news, happy to report it is all working well so far..