A long awaited feature has finally arrived on Photo Cube: The ability to save your complete cube styles and quickly swap between them!
Introducing My Cubes...
Take a look at the new Manage Cubes section in the Photo Cube Settings app:
Click on My Cubes to view your gallery of saved Cubes:
Tap on a cube to load it, change its name, share it, or delete it:
So how do you save cubes to the gallery? Its easy.
Customise your cube just like you normally would. Then when you want to save it, simply hit the "Save this Cube" button:
This shows you a preview of your cube and lets you give it a name.
Then hit OK and it takes you straight to your My Cubes gallery where you can see your newly saved cube.
Want to start from scratch? Hit the Reset cube button to start from the beginning with an default cube, and get customizing!
Now you can get creative, make as many cube styles as you like and not worry about losing a style once you have it just the way you like, simply save it in My Cubes.
But what about when you change your phone? No problem, at any time you can back up your cubes onto the SD card from Photo Cube Settings:
Hit the Backup my Cubes button and a few seconds later you are done, your cubes are backed up to the SD card as file called Photo Cube Backup.pcb.
Then when you change phones, either copy over the Photo Cube Backup.pcb file onto the new phones SD card, or simply plug in your original SD card. Hit Restore my Cubes, and shortly after, your My Cubes gallery is exactly as it was!
My Cubes and other new features are available in version 2.0 of Photo Cube.
But wouldn't it be great if you could share the cubes you made with a friend who also has Photo Cube? Stay tuned... ;o)
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